VITAS GLAZE TEC is a nanotechnology-based formula that is specially developed for very high porosity marble. It protects the marble from dirt, dampness, patches, and stains by penetrating deeply into the stone and sealing micro-fissures. This makes the stone harder, enhances its natural color and gloss, and prevents it from fading over time, even with heavy usage. It makes the stone incapable of staining, yellowing and weathering while maintaining color and magnifying natural texture.
Instruction to Use
After using the VITAS Epoxy System, complete no 2. Grinding, There on,
1. Clean and dry the stone surface thoroughly and allow it to dry overnight.
2. Apply the VITAS GLAZE TEC - SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE DENSIFIER evenly to the surface using a roller/wiper or brush.
3. Allow the VITAS GLAZE TEC - SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE DENSIFIER to penetrate the stone for at least 2-3 hours.
4. Repeat process no 2, and allow the VITAS GLAZE TEC - SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE DENSIFIER to penetrate until absorption stops.
5. Allow to dry for 1 or 2 days.
6. Apply VITAS GLAZE TEC - SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE DENSIFIER repeatedly until saturation and allow to dry for 1 or 2 days before continuing with the final steps of polishing.
SIZE: 20 LTR, Color- Milky USE: Marble.