VITAS VT 91 PREMIUM POLISHING POWDER is a natural resin-based polishing powder with incredibly tiny micro grains that aid in giving the surface a constant, long-lasting shine. For boosting and restoring the shine of marble floors, this product is ideal, Keeps the floor from frequently crystallizing, which could alter the marble's natural appearance. It’s extremely well-balanced formula enables quicker and more affordable polishing of marble floors.
Instruction to Use
Remove any kind of dirt by thoroughly cleaning the surface. Apply 20 to 40 grams of the product per square meter (about 1-2 tablespoons), then mist the area with water until it has a creamy consistency. Use a single buff machine or a traditional polish machine to buff the milky/creamy texture continuously. For a more uniform polishing, work over 2-3 square meters gradually. Spray water on the surface to prevent the product from becoming gummy from friction. The surface gets shiny during the drying process. Check the glossy result, and repeat if necessary.